UMIN includes companies of manufacturing and production of aggregates and construction materials.
"Dneprobeton Ltd
Concrete is an artificial stone material obtained by curing mix carefully and rationally chosen a mixture of binder, water and aggregates, and, if necessary, special additives. Concrete is a versatile building material and finds application in virtually all areas of construction: construction of bearing and protecting designs, a monolithic house-building, for architectural and artistic expression buildings, small items, landscape architecture, hydraulic engineering, road, airport, special construction, etc
Concrete reinforced
Reinforced concrete is building composite material, which is flooded with concrete steel bars.
The positive qualities of reinforced concrete structures are:
• low price - much cheaper than concrete structures of steel,
• fire resistance - in comparison with steel and wood,
• workability - easy when concreting receive any form of construction,
• chemical and biological stability - not subject to corrosion, aging and rotting
Crushed rock is inorganic granular bulk material with grains of size greater than 5 mm, obtained by crushing rock, gravel and boulders, along the way produced overburden and surrounding rocks or tainted waste from the mining enterprises for processing ores (ferrous, nonferrous and rare metals, iron and steel industry) and non-metallic minerals other industries and subsequent sieving products division.
Today the company is a leading producer of crushed granite in the Ukraine, which is produced by Lyubimov and Chaplinsky careers in the Dnipropetrovsk region
Dry mixes
Dry mixes are a group of support materials with specialized properties that are used in the management of construction and decoration. Among other properties of these materials emit easy transportation, the stability of the mixture, highair conductivity
Construction sand is designed for different types of construction. Characterized by the grain composition, content of dust and clay particles (including clay in lumps), the content of organic impurities, the strength, the value of the total specific activity of natural radionuclides